CEO Message


"Since its establishment in 1972, DONGHEE has made five decades of contribution as an automotive parts company to the development of the automobile industry. "

Since its establishment in 1972, DONGHEE has made five decades of contribution as an automotive parts company to the development of the automobile industry.

DONGHEE pursues the 33 'Work Way' spirit under the vision of 'Next 50 years' in its business activities. Presently, DONGHEE's position is secure as a leading business group in the areas of suspension, fuel tank, and pedal products. Moreover, DONGHEE is spearheading the auto parts market with its strong focus in developing high-pressure hydrogen tanks and other eco-friendly auto parts, various sensors for pedestrian safety and new technologies for autonomous driving.

In Korea, DONGHEE engages not only in the production of auto parts but also in the assembly of compact cars, such as Morning, Ray, and Ray EV. As for the overseas markets, DONGHEE has established a global production network that covers China and other parts of Asia, Europe, and North America. DONGHEE's production facilities are grouped into separate regions to form a global production network.

The future era of automobiles will evolve around human-centered smart cars that think like and interact with humans. To actively cope with the changing times, DONGHEE pledges to work on its unique value to continue growth and to deliver satisfaction to customers around the world.

Thank you.