Sustainability Management

Sustainable Business​


Practicing Transparent Ethical Management We will establish and implement ethical norms as a foundation for correct behavior and value judgments.

In the era of global competition, practicing ethical management based on honesty, trust, and fairness is essential for achieving sustainable growth.
Ethical management serves as the driving force for a company’s growth, building a solid foundation from the ground up with fair competition and transparent management.

DONGHEE is a company committed to voluntary compliance with fair trade.

Our ethical management is an essential element for us to solidify and substantiate our management philosophy: ‘Products that customers can trust, a company where customers can trust, and a workplace where all employees can work with confidence.’ We are dedicated to realizing and reinforcing our aspirations with strength and substance.

Ethical management, furthermore, has the power to enhance the trust in the company through transparent processes.

We strive to provide the highest value to our customers, instill trust in our business partners for mutual development, encourage fair competition among competitors, protect the rights of investors, and foster a culture that respects the dignity and creativity of our employees. By faithfully fulfilling our social responsibilities and obligations, we aim to establish a foundation for societal trust and respect.

Since its establishment in 1972, DONGHEE has prioritized trust over short-term gains. We have been willing to accept some losses to build a foundation of trust.
Recognizing that corporate ethics are crucial for 21st-century corporate survival, we are committed to institutionalizing and practicing ethical management at a global standard. We aim to grow into a company that instills trust in customers, business partners, competitors, investors, employees, and society, thereby fulfilling our social responsibility.

Lee Tae-heeCEO