Repeated and Comprehensive
Promotion and Education
Disseminate the contents of the ethical management guidelines to all employees through various channels such as official letters, emails, and the company website.
Promote awareness of the ethical management framework to external parties, collaborative partners, and trading partners.
Conduct ethics management education, covering topics such as unethical behaviors and complaint resolution methods.
Continuously revise the ethical management guidelines to adapt to changing situations.
Establishing an Internal
Control System
Clearly define work procedures and responsibilities by setting up distinct job procedures and divisions of responsibilities.
Maintain confidentiality for sensitive information that could lead to unethical behavior.
Identify vulnerable tasks that may lead to unethical incidents and establish a monitoring system for regular checks.
Against Unethical Practices
Ensure that investigations and actions are carried out regardless of rank or the severity of the situation when it comes to unethical behavior.
Take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the whistleblower.
Managers and leaders should lead by example through actions, not just words.
Promote and educate about instances where unethical behavior was rejected.
Reward employees who exhibit ethical behavior.
Strictly avoid favoritism based on personal connections such as friendships, family ties, or relationships.
Maintain transparent organizational operations.